week 4 The End Of Spring 組員:管一 王怡婷&王珮驊&吳映慈 summary: In this article, the author has a question about why he is choosed to be the one to write the eulogy because he ignores the rituals and probably let Reb down. He ask Reb, "Don't you get tired of trying this work?" Reb tells him a story to explain what faith is. And for the author, it was the first time he didn't run away. Furthermore, he think it was the moment the eulogy request turn into somethi -ng else
Afterthought: i think the author take a big step facing the fever of eulogy. he finally face the reb instead of running away. also he come to know that reb never abandon him although he treid to avoid reb manytimes before. and he realize what he are doing is not only a eulogy.
Question: 1.what is the point the author start to reflect after he felt a wave of guilt? 2.what is author's purpose to ask Reb "how do you not get cynical?" 3.what is the significant different between Reb and author's interaction?
組員:公一22楊喬楓 公一24劉若涵 文章:The End of Spring Summary: Mitch felt eulogy request turned to something else after Reb’s metaphor of the ritual which Mitch used to ignored and a clumsy embrace with Reb.
This section is mainly talking about the way Reb lead the congregation and the process he became a rabbi. The author is surprised at his answer.
After knowing the past of Reb, it seemed like he is more like a human, a real man, not as the author first thought to be someone between the heaven and the ground.It seems we can find more interesting things about him.
1. What was the reason that Reb do the job as a rabbi? 2. Why was the author surprised at that reason?
Week4 Ritual
Sinai (n.)西奈半島
observant (a.)謹慎遵守教規的
strap (v.)用帶子紮住
recite (v.)吟誦、朗誦
Sabbath (n.)安息日
synagogue (n.)猶太教教堂
cast (v.)拋、擲
vesper (n.)晚禱
sacrament (n.)聖餐、聖禮
lapse (v.)疏忽、背棄
eschew (v.)避開
grip (n.)緊握
dwindle (v.)使減少
conviction (n.)信念
condition (v.)使習慣
fad (n.)一時的流行
putter (v.)慢慢幹活
hut (n.)簡陋的小房子
1.Why does Reb take the rituals so seriously?
2.Why doesn’t Reb sometimes admonish the congregation gently?
week 4 The End Of Spring
ReplyDelete組員:管一 王怡婷&王珮驊&吳映慈
In this article, the author has a question about why he is choosed to be the one to write the eulogy because he ignores the rituals and probably let Reb down. He ask Reb, "Don't you get tired of trying this work?" Reb tells him a story to explain what faith is. And for the author, it was the first time he didn't run away. Furthermore, he think it was the moment the eulogy request turn into somethi
-ng else
i think the author take a big step facing the fever of eulogy.
he finally face the reb instead of running away.
also he come to know that reb never abandon him although he treid to avoid reb manytimes before.
and he realize what he are doing is not only a eulogy.
1.what is the point the author start to reflect after he felt a wave of guilt?
2.what is author's purpose to ask Reb "how do you not get cynical?"
3.what is the significant different between Reb and author's interaction?
rope to拉攏至
stay away遠離
spit in吐痰在~
whiskered cheek絡腮鬍
week 4 The End Of Spring
ReplyDelete組員:公一22楊喬楓 公一24劉若涵
文章:The End of Spring
Mitch felt eulogy request turned to something else after Reb’s metaphor of the ritual which Mitch used to ignored and a clumsy embrace with Reb.
outdated 過時的
repose 歇息
congregant 聚會者
cynical 憤世嫉俗的
whicker 鬍鬚
If you believe in faith, it will be your daily routine.
1.Why Mitch asked the Reb "How do you not get cynical? "
2.Why Mitch used to ignore ritual?
Week4 The Daily Grind of Faith
ReplyDelete組員:醫一033李冠賢 醫一129蔡奉瑾
This section is mainly talking about the way Reb lead the congregation and the process he became a rabbi. The author is surprised at his answer.
After knowing the past of Reb, it seemed like he is more like a human, a real man, not as the author first thought to be someone between the heaven and the ground.It seems we can find more interesting things about him.
1. What was the reason that Reb do the job as a rabbi?
2. Why was the author surprised at that reason?
sprawling (adj.): 蔓生的
mock (adi.): 假的
cleric (n.): 聖職人員
imposing (adj.): 壯觀的
sermon (n.): 佈道;說教
indignation (n.): 憤怒;義憤
aria (n.): 詠歎調
congregation (n.): 集會
morph (n.): 形態
crescendo (n.): 漸強
vaudeville (n.): 歌舞劇
rivet (n.): 鉚釘;(v.): 釘牢
divinely (adv.): 非凡地
seminary (n.): 神學院
defiantly (adv.): 挑戰地
angst (n.): 憂慮
cloistered (adj.): 與世隔絕的
pulpit (n.): 佈道