

Tuesday, April 26, 2011



Good Marriage (pp.141-147)
Life of Henry (pp.148-155)
NOVEMBER/ Your Faith, My Faith (156-163)
The Thing We Find... (pp.164-167)


  1. (那個,我在想,有沒有可能是4/"27"報告)
    組員:b114099053 朱芃柏
    b114099075 黃鈺凱
    文章主題:The things we find...
    Mitch finds there has a file on him in the synagogue.
    For getting a copy, he steps into there, and finds the scene in the synagogue is nothing had changed. He feels empty instead of superior this time. While reading the file of him, Mitch inflects his life and his dream. His dream already come true now, but he also finds he lost
    something important : ”connection”. His job makes he be a “citizen of the world” and makes his life revolves to work. Also because of this, after losing his work connection, he can’t find other human ties at all. And now, he finally finds he start to miss a group he had dumped :” Sacred Community”.

    Soar away(adj.)飛騰的; 出色的; 突飛猛進的
    Lay off 解雇
    Downsize(v.) 裁減員工人數
    Keep up (使)不停止,保持
    Report card(ph.)學生的成績報告單

    We have many relationships. It is very important to us, after all, we are social animals. Unfortunately, most of this relationships can not be long-time. We seldom maintain the contact with our schoolmates after we graduated, or our work partner after one of us change the job. Because of so, I think we need to manage the long-time relationships attentively, our family or religions. Because they are the places we repose our mind in our life. When we are tired or in trouble, they are always our “Harbors of Refuge.”

    At p.165, Mitch says : “I took the file on me and headed home, or to the place I called home now.” Why he describes his home like this?
    The title of this chapter is “The things we find.” What are the things besides “the file on Mitch”? In others words, what Mitch really found after he saw the file?

  2. 組員:技一 b114099053 朱芃柏
    技一 b114099075 黃鈺凱 Ken
    指導老師:陳建龍老師 Alvin Dahn
    文章主題:The Things We Find…(更新版)

    Mitch found there was a file on him in the synagogue.
    To get a copy, he went there, finding scenes there were nothing had changed. He felt empty instead of superior this time. While reading the file, he inflected his life and dreams. The dreams which he had before were almost achieved, but he found he lost something important, that is- connection. His job makes him be a “citizen of the world” and makes his life revolve to work. After losing his work connection, he can’t find other human ties at all. Now, he finally finds he started to miss a group he had dumped- a sacred community.

    foyer (n.) (旅館、教堂等的)門廳,劇場休息室
    session (n.) 開庭期間,(授課活動等的)時間
    lope (v.) 邁著大步走
    yarmulke (n.) (猶太男人在正式場合所戴)圓頂小帽
    soar away (a.) 飛騰的; 出色的; 突飛猛進的
    undo (v.) 鬆開、拉開(過去式undid)
    pillar (n.) 柱子(此處虛擬用法,形容「支柱」)
    lay off 解雇
    downsize (v.) 裁減員工人數
    buyout (n.) (產權)全部買下;買斷;買通;收購
    keep up (使)不停止,保持
    contagious (a.) 具有傳染性的
    commonality (n.) (總稱)平民,共同特性
    dump (v.) 傾倒
    report card 學生的成績報告單
    comfort (v.) 安慰、慰問
    collection (n.) 募得之款
    undercarriage (n.) 基礎的底座
    retrieve (v.) 重新得到、收回

    Man is a social animal. We have many relationships that are important to us. Unfortunately, some of them cannot last long. For instance, we seldom keep in touch with our schoolmates after we graduated, or with our colleagues after the assignments were finished. Because of this, I think we need to manage the long-time relationships attentively, including our families, religions and so forth. They are the places where we repose our mind. They can also make a good warm shelter when we feel tired or get into trouble.”

    At P.165, Mitch said, “I take the file on me and head home, or to the place I call home now.” Why did he de-scribe his home like this?
    This is because his job makes him take the world as a family. He changes his address all the time, having less connection with his neighbors. The house which he lives in now is just “temporary” for him.

    The title of this chapter is “The things we find.” What were the things that the author really found after he saw the file?
    He found that he not only lost the connection of his work partners, but the connection of faith. He tried to run away from his faith when he was young; however, he finds that he actually needs them.
